Home - Comprehensive Care - The Foundation Chiropractic

Is Your Health Holding You Back?

Extraordinary Health Starts With A Solid Foundation


A woman holding a sign with four words written on it.

Less Stress
Less Pain
More Energy


A man holding up a whiteboard with the words " posture " and " pain " written on it.

Improved Posture
Less Pain
Less Headaches


A woman holding up a sign that says " energy better sleep ".

More Energy
Better Sleep
Less Tension


A man holding up a whiteboard with directions for how to manage stress.

Less Hip, Back & Chest Pain
More Energy
Less Stress

Overall Greater Wellbeing


A family holding a sign with the names of their children.

Better Posture
More Energy
Better Sleep
Improved Digestion
Less Fussy
Less Pain

Lisa, Lorenzo, & Andy

A man holding a sign with arrows pointing to the center of it.

More Energy
Better Clarity
Less Stress

Less Pain


A woman holding up a sign with energy and stress written on it.

More Energy
Less Stress
Better Moods


A woman holding up a sign with the words energy, sleep and sleep.

More Energy
Better Sleep
Less Stress


A woman standing next to a board with arrows pointing in different directions.

Less Emotional Reactivity
Improved Mobility
Less Pressure In My Neck


A woman holding up a sign with arrows pointing in different directions.

Improved Mobility
More Activity
Better Sleep
Less Stress


A woman holding up a sign with arrows pointing to the center of each arrow.

Less Pain
More energy
Less Stress


A man holding up a board with arrows pointing to the words posture, recovery and sleep.

Improved Posture
Better Recovery
Improved Functional Mobility


A person holding up a sign that says improved sleep and stress in neck and shoulders.

Improved Sleep
Less Stress In Neck & Shoulders
Improved Overall Health


A man standing in front of a sign with words written on it.

Improved Strength
Improved Breathing
Better Attitude
Pain Free


A woman holding up an energy sign and anxiety arrow.

More Energy
Less Anxiety
More Drive


A woman holding up a sign that says better sleep and energy.

Better Sleep
More Energy
Improved Mobility


A pregnant woman holding her belly in front of a sign.

Better Sleep
Increased Productivity
Decreased Stress



Two women are standing next to a board with arrows pointing in different directions.

Improved Mobility
Less Joint Pain
Better Sleep
Better Bladder Control
Weight Loss
Less Stress

Leslie & Lesae

A woman holding up a board with arrows pointing to the back pain, edginess and peace.

Less Back Pain
Less Edginess
More Peace

Improved Mobility


A man holding up an energy sign with arrows pointing in different directions.

Better Focus
More Energy
Improved Focus


A man holding up a board with the words better posture and flexibility written on it.

Better Posture
Improved Flexibility
More Energy


A woman holding up a sign that says no hip pain and allergies.

No Hip Pain
Less Allergies

Rarely Sick


A person holding up a sign with words written on it.

Better Sleep
Less Stress
Healthy Pregnancy!


A man holding up a sign with arrows pointing to the bottom of each word.

Improved Pain Management
More Calmness
More Energy
Better Self-Control


A person holding up a board with words written on it.

Better Posture
More Positive Atitude
Better Food Choices


A man holding up a sign with arrows pointing to lower back pain.

Less Lower Back Pain
More Energy
Less Neck Pain


A woman holding up a board with arrows pointing to better posture and overall wellbeing.

Better Posture
Improved Overall Wellbeing
Improved Flexibiity


A woman holding up a sign with arrows pointing to the word strength.

Improved Strength
Improved Power
Better Overall Health


A group of people holding up a board with a picture.

Less Ear Infections
More Positive Attitude
Increased Postural Awareness
Better Posture
Less Neck Pain
Possible Job
Less Sickness
More Energy

M Family

A man holding up a board with the words " sickness " and " better posture ".

Better Posture
Less Sickness
More Energy


A man holding up a sign that says " better sleep ".

Better Sleep
Increased Strength
Improved Mobility


A man holding up a sign that says " better nutrition is pain stress."

Better Nutrition
Less Pain
Less Stress
More Energy


A couple of people that are standing up

Improved Health For The Whole Family
Increased Daily Health
Improved Overall Health & Wellness

Tom & Julie

A woman is smiling behind a sign with the word migraines and energy written on it.

Less Migraines
More Energy
Better Sleep


A woman holding up a board with arrows pointing to better posture and overall wellbeing.

Better Posture
Increased Overall Wellbeing
Improved Flexibility


A man holding a sign that says pain free.

Pain Free
Better Outlook On Health
Increased Awareness Of Posture


A woman with a sign in front of her head.

Head Tremor Gone
Less Pain
Standing Better


A man holding up a sign with arrows pointing in different directions.

Improved Mobility
Increased Quality Of Life
Increased Happiness


A man holding up a sign that says sleep.

Can Keep Up With My Son!
Better Sleep
Less Pain


A man holding up a sign that says lower back pain.

Less Lower Back Pain
No More Nail Biting
Increased Energy


A man holding up a sign with arrows pointing to recovery and stability.

Improved Recovery
More Stability
Less Back Pain


A man in a hoodie holding up an energy sign.

More energy
Better Focus
Less Pain


A woman holding up a board with arrows pointing to the center of it.

Able To Meet My Fitness Goals
Improved Comfort
Better Moods


A woman holding up a sign with words written on it.

Improved Postural Awareness
Breathe Better
Better Sleep


A woman holding up a sign with the word headaches and concatenation written on it.

Less Headaches
Improved Concentration
More Energy


A man holding up a sign that says pain meds and mobility.

Less Pain Meds
Improved Mobility
Positive Mental Attitude


A man holding up a sign with the words " better posture " and " pain action ".

Better Posture
Less Pain
More Energy


A woman holding up a sign that says sleep better.

More Relaxed
Sleep Better
Less Pain


A woman holding up a sign with arrows pointing to the center of patience.

Improved Patience
Increased Range Of Motion
Less Pain


A man holding up a sign with arrows pointing to sleep and pain.

Better Sleep
Less Pain
Better Workouts


A group of people standing next to a board.

Improved Sleep
Less Neck Pain
No Birth Trauma
Increased Life Potential
Less Muscle Pain
Improved Posture
Better Sleep

Daliza, Oren, & Christy

A man holding up a sign that says better sleep, energy and power.

Better Sleep
More Energy
Increased Physical Ability


A man and woman holding up a sign.

Better Health
Less Pain
Less Stress

Peter & Dawn

A woman holding up an energy sign and the words immunity, energy, and imunity.

Improved Immunity
More Energy
Less Pain


A man holding up a sign that says " 1 direction puzzle space ".

Improved Digestion

Better Sleep

Increased Overall Health


A man holding up a sign that says " i back pass impertinent essentials ".

Decreased Back Pain

Improved Breathing

Increased Energy


A woman holding a baby and a sign

Improved Immunity

Overall Improved Wellness

Leah and Lily

A young girl holding up a sign with the words " my smile was first."

Spine & Nerve System First Checked at 1 Hour Old

Increased Immunity

Optimal Development



A young girl holding up a sign with an arrow pointing to the right.

Spine & Nerve System First Checked at 1 Hour Old

Increased Immunity

Optimal Development


A woman holding up a sign that says less hip pain, better sleep and better energy.

Less Hip Pain

Better Sleep

Better Energy


A little girl holding up a sign that says no more ear pain.

No More Ear Pain

Better Sleep


A man standing in front of a board with the words back pain and flexibility written on it.

Improved Back Pain

Increased Flexibility

Increased Attention Span


A man holding up a sign with words written on it.

Increased Strength

Increased Mobility

Decreased Pain


A man holding up a sign with words on it.

Better Posture

Better Sleep

Better Balance

Increased Energy Levels

Increased Flexibility


A girl holding up a sign that says flexibility and development.

Improved Flexibility

Decreased Pain



A boy holding up a sign that says balance.

Improved Balance

Improved Strength


A young girl holding up an immunity sign.

Improved Immunity

Increased Focus


A man holding up a sign that says " boston college 1 energy savings ".

Increased Energy

Better Posture

Increased Motivation


A man holding up a sign with words written on it.

Better Posture

Better Walking

Improved Relaxation


A man and woman sitting in front of a chalkboard.

Are you alright?

Do you struggle with neck or back pain, headaches, or poor digestion? Do you find exercising, staying mobile or having ample energy harder than it used to be? Does staying focused or something as simple as getting quality sleep seem to be impossible these days?

You know you need help but you’re confused about where to go to finally get this corrected. After all, you’re tired of short-term relief with no resolution.

So, what are your options?

There is probably a drug, therapy, or exercise that could provide some relief, allowing you to get through your day. Maybe you’ve done this, but it’s come back again and again and you told yourself there’s got to be something different and just better out there.

You’re thinking this way because somewhere down the line, you’ve realized you’re different from most people because your goals in life are NOT small and you understand having exceptional health is a strong priority to get you there! You are not willing to accept just getting by while ignoring your body’s warning signs. You refuse to take a drug for every ailment because you know this doesn’t lead to better health or more importantly, a better life.

So, are your symptoms the real issue or is there something underlying you don’t know about yet?

What’s my real problem?

After helping hundreds of people finally get the results they are looking for, it’s become evident that issues like neck or back pain, frequent headaches, and poor digestion are quite often secondary issues – NOT primary problems.

While most traditional chiropractors are concerned with only relieving symptoms (secondary issues), at The Foundation Chiropractic our approach is very different. It’s what we call Neuro-Structural Restoration using the Gonstead Chiropractic Method.

Our comprehensive Neuro-Structural examination process is designed to find your core (underlying) problems that are affecting you in ways you probably already notice or feel, but also in ways you have no idea about.

Your Questions Answered


What is Neuro-Structural Restoration?


What is the Gonstead Method?


What kind of problems can be helped?


How does the Neuro-Structural Restoration process begin and what will it cost?


How long before I see results?


Can kids benefit from Neuro-Structural Restoration?


I am pregnant, can I benefit from Neuro-Structural Restoration?


How do you choose a chiropractor when every office is so different?


Ask your own question

Meet the team

A man in suit and tie smiling for the camera.


A yellow cross on black background

A woman with long hair smiles for the camera.


A woman shaking hands with another person in an office.

Our Promise

You are a unique human being – way more than “a case” or “a diagnoses”. You will be treated like the dynamic, incredible person you are! In fact, every detail of your experience with us is designed to the lofty standards we would expect if we were in your shoes.

Our highest value is integrity. We actively live the very same health and lifestyle advice we give to you every day of our lives and we promise every interaction with us will be “spiced” with this virtue.

We promise to give your health challenges a fresh perspective, prompting new questions you may never have been asked before, and provide concrete solutions to help you ultimately express greater health.

We don’t have the solution to every health problem. If we believe you are not in the right place to get the care you need, we promise to find the best health care professional to help you at this time.

Ready to get started?

Book My Consult